Monday, 21 February 2011

Hello's been a while..

It's been so long since I last wrote in this blog..a lot has happened over that time..and in some ways not so much! I realise now that you need time and commitment to persevere with a blog when you are working. You need to set time aside...for taking pictures...writing and thinking..
I've just finished this baby quilt for my soon to be(hopefully!)born neice. She was due on Saturday, so at the moment we are all waiting and wondering what each phone message might bring! My sister has mixed feelings, she seems so worried about what life holds after the birth, I'm sure this is natural, it is so scary. But I know she'll be ok, but she seems to need a lot of convincing right now!
Mum and me are hoping to drive to her on Wednesday if baby hasn't arrived as Stu goes down to Frome that day for work.
I really enjoyed my first expereince of making a quilt, once I'd actually made the effort to start it, the process went quickly and strangely loved the sewing of tiny stitches for the bias binding around the edge. It took me 2 nights of sewing into the early hours watching telly, but was quite relaxing...

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