Friday, 1 February 2008


It's my future brother in law's birthday tomorrow (hopefully!) and this is the picture I used to make him a card. It's a seriously beautiful bike seen in Osaka, Japan.

guess what?..I've been offered the support worker job. It was after 5pm when I received the call so was expecting the worst after being used to late in the day 'sorry but..' calls. So, very pleased and relieved and have a good feeling about this one. Unfortunately, will be waiting several weeks for crb to come through before starting.

Nellie said it was upsetting but also moving and he was surprised at the amount of people who came.

Saw on the news about the cuts to arts council funding for arts projects today, seems really unfair that some are losing total funding while others double, why can't it just continue as before? Similarly, the news showed how brass bands will potentially lose out while the opera gets considerably more in comparison. I'm all for variety but where's the support shown for grassroots, small, community projects? Who goes to the opera? sorry, have had a few too many glasses of wine and on a downer.

On a better note, saw a brilliant dvd last night, 'Tell no one' , but please tell everyone about this film as you won't be disappointed! It's french, a murder mystery, a doctor whose wife was murdered suddenly receives an e-mail from her 8 years later. Fantastique!

Have a great weekend folks.

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