Friday, 25 January 2008


To make up for not being able to show the end results of our felting just yet (they're still drying out!) this is a cushion cover I made recently from a ball of yarn I was given for Christmas. It was lovely to knit up as the yarn kept changing. Mum knitted her ball up into a scarf which was very effective. The other cushion is screenprinted and was 'created' by Liv and me when we were about 11, Liv's was a brown version. Looking back, it slightly amazes me that we managed to make something that actually resembles the image we had in our minds of the finished product..but although it could do with a bit of a wash, I'm quite fond of it!

A great day was had by all at the felting workshop, run by Gillian Harris in her studio in the back garden of her cottage in Capel, Surrey. Gill herself is very warm and explained and demonstrated the felting process very clearly to all us (mainly) novices. By the end of the afternoon we had made 2 teapot cosies and 3 bags, both using the same technique. 3 layers of felt are used over a plastic template and at the end, this is cut out and removed for the opening. Its a fairly strenuous process (despite jaffa cakes and mini lemon meringues to fortify us!) and triggered off some pain in mum's hands unfortunately, but the end results were worth it (Photos soon!) Gill has a 5 month old pup called Doris! a cross between a King Charles Cavalier and a poodle, very much like my friend's cockerpoo although a bit smaller. Doris kept us all amused. Gill's studio is full of her own designs, beautiful to look at, and everywhere you look there are some lovely little touches, like the mosaic surrounds at the sinks, complete with plastic pigs! and the felted light pull and curtains. All in all, it was very much worth a slightly nightmarish drive home on the M25 in rush hour traffic.

Nellie seems ok, he says its starting to sink in a bit more now. Wish it was possible to be nearer to him now at this difficult time.

Oh, an interview has come up on Tuesday, must summon up all my remaining positivity and smiles and hope for the best.

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